Inauguration of Professor Joseph Vella Hall
What an incredible weekend of Joseph Vella related emotions!
The Soċjetà Filarmonika La Stella recognized the need to invest in the future by building a modern hall at the Astra Theatre that will be used for the musical needs (rehearsals, recordings etc) of the Society, but not only. It is being named and dedicated to Professor Joseph Vella, who spent nearly 50 years as Musical Director of the Society.
This hall was inaugurated on Sunday 5th May 2024, and followed the premiere of Mro Vella`s opera ‘Valeriana’ (Opus 155) which also took place at the Astra Theatre a day before.
To mark the occasion, the La Stella Band Club performed different Joseph Vella band marches, followed by a number of commemorative speeches, including those by La Stella President Michael Formosa and by Alan Vella, Mro. Vella`s son, in representation of the Vella Family. A commemorative plaque was thereafter inaugurated by Mr. Michael Formosa and Mrs Nathalie Vella, Mro. Vella`s widow.
Many thanks and gratitude from Family Vella go particularly to the Soċjetà Filarmonika La Stella, for this touching tribute in naming and dedicating this hall specifically to Joseph Vella, but also to the Gozo Action Group Foundation, who contributed to finance part of the equipment through European funds.