Appointment in Rome
During the first week of January I will be in Rome to accompany the Laudate Pueri Choir of St George’s Basilica, where they have two most important cultural/religious appointments waiting for them. The highlight of the visit is without any doubt their participation in the solemn Epiphany Mass which will be celebrated by His Holiness Pope Francis at the Vatican, during which the Laudate Pueri will be singing side by side, not only as a massed choir, but also antiphonally, with the famous Cappella Sistina. This signal honour is a tribute to the Gozitan Choir’s reputation as a top-notch vocal ensemble and also attests to the choir’s international standing.
Besides this august event, the Laudate Pueri will also be giving a completely ‘a cappella’, concert at the Papal Chapel of St Anna , also in the Vatican. They will be performing a wide stylistic programme ranging from the Rennaissance to the present day. I am more than honoured that they have chosen to include 3 of my works during the evening – Agnus Dei, from Missa Brevis (4 part female choir and solo Soprano), Sicut Cervus for (SSA Choir) and O Panis Dulcissime (for a mixed SSATB Choir). To impart a ‘Maltese’ touch to the evening the female section will also be performing my arrangement of National Poet Dun Karm’s ‘T’Adoriam Ostia Divina/Nadurawk Ja Hobz tas-Sema (We Adore you, Holy Host…)